O I L  O N  C A N V A S

Art has allowed me to maintain an emotional balance in my life and also opened my imagination with no limits as I've been able to dream about places and new things. During my time in London, I had the opportunity to explore this artistic side of mine.

On this occasion I made a landscape of a dreamed place, in which I used brushes of various sizes and a spatula to highlight the textures of the nature. The river has many colours and the canoe docks as the sun sets and reflects ion the water.

In the other oil painting I decided to make a close-up. Since in the previous landscape I wanted to detail, this time I decided to make the details of a detail. The colours and contrasts in both paintings convey to me many positive emotions and free my soul.

Art and Design by: Paula Castellanos Zafra
All rights reserved
2017 Ⓡ
Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas

Art has allowed me to open my imagination with no limits as I've been able to dream about new places and new things. During my time in London, I Read More
