These are the 5 illustrations I created for the Bologna Children's Book Fair 2018 contest.
The common theme that links them is the sky above us.
The biggest star in our known universe is located in the constellation of Cygnus, the Swan.
About 20 light years from Earth is the star BPM 37093 (a.k.a. Lucy, after the song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds"). This white dwarf is actually one huge diamond about the size of our Moon.
Tides are periodic oscillations of sea level, the result of the attraction of the Moon on the water of the seas and oceans.
Most of the atoms in our bodies were created in stars through fusion. We are all made of stars.
Saturn is the lightest planet. It is even lighter than water. If there were an ocean big enough to hold Saturn, this giant would float like a beach ball.
The sky above

The sky above


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