Chroma Key was a game concept for the 2017 Global Game Jam that never fully materialized.

Here is a selection of some of the its assets.
In Chroma Key you control a chromamancer, a wizard with power over light and color.

The game is a step-based roguelike, in which you must hit light orbs with the right chromatic spell, in the correct order, to destroy your enemies and progress to the next puzzle.


However, three powerful demons - with different skills and movement patterns - will try and stand on your path as you traverse the Temple of Light.
Orfland, the devious imp; Pebbles, the all seeing and Zuri, the golden serpent - conveniently color coded according to their weaknesses - will do anything to stop you from completing your quest.
Many more mechanics - like power-ups, item shops, treasure chests - were planned for the game that, due to the chaotic nature of game jams, never really got implemented.

Although the project was never finished, the experience allowed me to dabble in vector drawing, and experiment with new aesthetics and constraints, which was super fun.
Game: Chroma Key

Game: Chroma Key

Global Game Jam prototype, in which a wizard uses their power over light and color to solve puzzles
