Those who do not believe in the existence of these beings, the inhabitants of the World of Fantasy are called fools and unimaginative stumps. If you have a slightly stronger sixth sense then you feel their action in your surroundings, but also in your interior. That small, many beings (energies) suck up every act, desire for change, emotions that push us forward - and many other -, key points that allow us to experience some surprise in the near future. We then feel the presence of a rotted deadness and in the near future we do not see that something new could break the apathetic situation. When these tiny gluttons eat the chance to swing and instill hopelessness in us, disappear is unknown where, leaving boredom and helplessness. It depends on us how much it lethargy,  in which we are, last.
100X70cm., watercolors
Those who bring boredom