Atrium is a touch tables and touch pads application to assist Consultants with suggest real estate and financial products. This project is being developed, images are representative of the beginning of the project.

Atrium est un projet d'application sur tables et tablettes tactiles pour aider les conseillers à proposer des produits immobiliers et financiers. Ce projet est développé en collaboration avec des ergonomes cogniticiens, des commerciaux et d'autres designers au sein du Crédit Agricole Innovation. Ce projet est en cours de développement, les images sont donc représentatives de la réflexion du début du projet.

During the first steps, we work with real estate advisors During the fist step, we
We also think about mobile devices usages.
Paper prototyping is good to understand and use our reflexions and interface conceptions with real estate advisors.
I worked with a graphic designer to produce a graphic adapted to the environment and the customer's mind.


Atrium is a touch tables and touch pads application to assist Consultants with suggest real estate and financial products. This project is being Lue lisää
