Henkilön Gerard Carlo profiili

Ang Mga Ligaw na Paru-Paro (Wandering Butterflies)

Worked as a Production Manager in this short film.

Synopsis: Roger and Miriam live a happy life despite waiting to have a child for years. Until one day, Roger accidentally reads a text message on Miriam's phone; it has flirty anecdotes from a stranger named Alex. In that moment, all hell breaks loose but little did Roger know that he is yet to discover his wife's deepest secret. 

Directed & Written by: J.E. Tiglao 
Cast: Olive Nieto, Paolo O'Hara, Solomon de Guzman, Maria Isabel Lopez
Ang Mga Ligaw na Paru-Paro (Wandering Butterflies)

Ang Mga Ligaw na Paru-Paro (Wandering Butterflies)


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