The Berlin based Architecture- and Designcompany dan pearlman commissioned us to realize a fantastic project! We should develop a whole world of a castle, the so called "Lino Castle" near Zurich in Switzerland.
We designed the characters, their surroundings and environment, loads of gadgets, logos and the castle itself. And of course we went to Switzerland for more than a month to paint everything by hand on the walls!

To understand the project better, here's their own project description:

Lino the Dragon Takes up Residence at the Littenheid Private Clinic dan pearlman realized the entire communications and spatial concept for the newly designed Haus Linde at the private clinic in Littenheid, Switzerland. From the strategic planning to the visual look, to implementing interior design and furnishings concepts, dan pearlman worked as a strategic partner with Clienia during all phases. New standards in emotional architecture were set in Switzerland and far beyond its borders.
A fully-integrated communications concept was created over a period of months for the newly designed building: playful, inviting and something different than clinical grey. The five figures developed specially for Clienia – Alfa, Dipsta, Betha, Elysee, and Calibri – function as guardian protectors of the individual wards and represent various types of ailments and emotional states. Each figure is distinguished by an individual colour palette as well as special traits, which are reflected in every last detail of the individual wards.
Binoculars, a steering wheel and a treasure chest, for example, are the faithful companions of Betha the Pirate. Instead of going to school, he would prefer to conquer the high seas and signalizes empathy, safety and understanding to the children and adolescents on his ward. Traces of Lino the castle dragon and lord of the manor are everywhere and appear as paw prints and scratch marks throughout the entire ward. Paper fruit hangs from the Lino Tree and serves as a means of communication. Worries, fears, but also positive thoughts for those ready to leave the clinic can be recorded here. Loving details, a sophisticated colour palette and a grounded over-all concept characterize dan pealman’s work and create a home for the young patients away from their typical surroundings.



The Berlin based Architecture- and Designcompany Dan Pearlman commissioned us to realize a fantastic project! We should develop a whole world of Read More
