The Secret Island
Oil on canvas

Based on the children's novel “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett, the painting features scenes from Pulau Ubin which represents the garden in the novel. Similarly, it follows the growth of three children and their secret space. The health of Pulau Ubin, especially Chek Jawa, suffered a period of decline due to tourism and pollution. Fortunately through outreach and conservation efforts, the island flourished again.

The painting was exhibited at a group show "Rewritten" from 30 November 2017 to 2 January 2018.
Some close-ups of the painting
A timelapse gif of the painting progress
Christmas card designs for the exhibition

Oil on paper

Sea holly or jeruju, though not closely related to the Christmas holly, sometimes share similar appearance as the Christmas plant. Depending on the environment it grows in, its leaves may develop spiny edges just like the Christmas holly. The sea holly can be found in mangroves of Singapore. They have medicinal properties and are listed as a vulnerable species locally.  
Guess who is on the naughty list
Oil on paper

Sunda pangolin or Malayan pangolin can be found in Pulau Ubin and other forested areas in Singapore. They are critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. This Christmas, gift them a future by sharing information about them and refusing pangolin products.
Samples of the printed greeting cards
Promotional image for social media
The Secret Island


The Secret Island

Create a local story based on children fairy tales.

