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Effector Controlling

The following projects contain experiments and experiences with the effector section in Maxon's Cinema 4D as well as the native particle system.
In this first project, I took a simple square and animated it so it morphs into a pyramid with a quad base. Afterwards I put it into a cloner and made a 16 / 9 rectengular out of them with over 1.000 of squares forming it.

Than I took a spline and made it the laying eight or infinity symbol. I put this as the controller of a plain effector and animated it's beginning and ending point as well as tweaked some of the offset settings. Afterwards I used this plain effector to trigger the animation of the squares and also used it to animate the shading of the animated sections.

In the end, placed a camera right over the rectangular - unfortunately you can't realy see the pyramids coming up in this perspective. But with this technique, you can use any object, text or spline to trigger animations or effects.
https://soundcloud.com/amb/far-from-any-road-amb-bootleg | Music by: amb
For this project, I put some simple spheres as low poly models into cloner and made the rotation as well as scale controlled by a random effector. Then I took a plain effector again to define the regions, where the random effector should affect the cloner as well as where the color should change.

The last thing to do was just to keyframe the position and scale of the effector and give the spheres a rigid body tag so they don't interesect. Within this project I was became able to control one effector by another one and make more flexible offsets as wells as keep the timeline very clean by just using a few keyframes.
https://soundcloud.com/amb/far-from-any-road-amb-bootleg | Music by: amb
This is the last project where I control effectors and transitions by the plain effector.
Here I took an actual visible object in the scene to effect another one. The small sphere has a tracer object within it which is used to control the offset section of the plain effector.

This plain effector I used to trigger a jiggle effector and two displacements applied on the big sphere. One of them controlls the jiggle, the other one the wobble effect. Also a fracture effector is applied to the big sphere to actually define where it may break as the small sphere passes through.
https://open.spotify.com/track/3UXpboL1GLYA0bYoxY7N7Y | Music by: Mule and Man
This last project of the series uses the "Thinking Particles" emitter - Cinema 4D native particle system. The particles emit around a light source in the center of the scene and are connected with a tracer object again which is told to connect the nearest particles.

The hardest thing to figure out here was to pause the particle system's emitting to enable a short flight trough the net it created without all the particles disappearing.
https://open.spotify.com/track/4gRuC34ZpRcpVXxMXM1csQ | Music by: Petit Biscuit
Effector Controlling

Effector Controlling

This project displays a series of scenes where I used effectors in Cinema 4D to control characteristics like position, scale or color. This effec Se mer
