Mariana Sou profili

3 Book Collection // José Saramago

For this 1st year university assignment we were asked to create a cohesive design for a 3 book collection of José Saramago's works: "Memorial do Convento", "O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis" and "A Jangada de Pedra".
Taking into account the requirement to adequate the collection's design to the aesthetics of the publisher we had the liberty of chosing, I decided to draw inspiration from Leya's book designs for this project. 
In order to achieve this cohesion, a limited color palette was used, as well as calligraphy for the name of the book and the author, and lastly, a smear that crosses the back, spine and front cover of each book, contributing to a sense of continuity and flow.

3 Book Collection // José Saramago
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3 Book Collection // José Saramago

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