Steven R. Gilmore 님의 프로필

Two Steps From Hell - Impossible - Poster And Packaging

Recently photo-illustrated and designed project for Two Steps From Hell's exclusive Japan only release of "Impossible", including promotional poster and clear tray audio CD.

Inspired by the Fritz Lang 1927 movie Metropolis, Blade Runner 2049, George Orwell's 1984 and Franz Kafka's The Trial, I used elements of neo-gothic art deco and brutalist architecture along with an imposing proletarian monument to convey the mood I was after.
CD Booklet Panels
Clear Tray CD Package
Thank You!
Two Steps From Hell - Impossible - Poster And Packaging

Two Steps From Hell - Impossible - Poster And Packaging

Recently illustrated and designed project for Two Steps From Hell's exclusive Japan only release of "Impossible", including promotional poster an 자세히 보기
