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Dreamaplay Logo Design

Dreamaplay Logo Design

New logo design for a website that teaches kids how to turn dreams into reality and set awesome life goals. It uses fun games to convey each concept.

In the responsive version, the red highlight will focus on the lesson being learned; for instance, if it is the section on mapping and planning an adventure, then "map" would be all red.
Just some of the versions of the final logo. The biggest challenge was getting dream, map and play to each be readable. The one-line versions were just a mess, like dreamaplay. However, I do like the double entendre that reads like "dream a play." It makes a much nicer logo, and easier URL than including all the extra letters, dreammapplay. As you can see, we decided to go with a more 3D look even though it occupies more real estate on the screen, but it also represents a key feature of the website — games!
Dreamaplay Logo Design

Dreamaplay Logo Design

Logo design for a small company that teaches kids how to dream. Also some step-by-step of how this was created.
