Scott Fuller sin profil

Dire Times Art Show

Below is a preview of the Dire Times Art Show. These photos are all that remain from the exhibition. For this show I brought together artists Jared Nickerson, Nick Bryant, Smash and myself to paint large scale murals inside the Piranha Shop Gallery in Seattle Washington. The painted murals where only on view for a couple weeks before the walls were buffed over for the next gallery showing. Don't sleep on Dire Streets!
From left to right: "Dire Mouse" by Jared Nickerson of J3 Concepts, "These Eyes" by Scott Fuller and "Johnny Scuffles" by Nick Bryant.
"Dire Mouse" by Jared Nickerson of J3 Concepts.
"Dire Mouse" by Jared Nickerson of J3 Concepts.
"Johnny Scuffles" by Nick Bryant.
"Free Money" by Smash and Stash.
"Free Money" by Smash and Stash.
"Edwin" by Nick Bryant.
"Paint the Town Red" by Scott Fuller.
Here is a photo of me outlining the graphic.
Nick Bryant painting "Johnny Scuffles".
Nick Bryant chose to freehand his work while the vector driven work was projected and traced.
Inking in the hands.

Smash putting the finishing touches on "Free Money".
Smash created the broken glass pattern and tattoo patterns using small nails and string.
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Dire Times Art Show

Dire Times Art Show

The Dire Times Art show.
