When I started to think about Superform, I decided for once to forget about Engineering and focus on Form only. And I thought, what is more mesmerizing than an ink drop dispersing in water, or the complex patterns formed by the smoke of an incense stick.

For my first proposition, I tried to learn what are the specificities of an ink swirl by watching, sketching, filming and finally modeling clay. It’s my own interpretation of the ink volute.
The final chair would be made of rubber, foam, fabric, and wool.

My second model is a different approach. My goal was to capture the physical phenomenon through experimentation. And I’m not done experimenting. The final chair will be casted in clear resin to give rigidity and flatter surfaces to make it comfortable. The user will have the impression to sit on a volcano.

My third model comes from a completely different topic. I was wondering where we can blur the limits between distinctive parts. Here, I made a chair made of a single wire. The structure looks like the skeleton of an other chair. By playing with the diameter of the wire, I can adjust the spring effect the user will experience when sitting on it.



