Verona city branding

In laying out the project of my final essay, I decided to take up the investigation of a theme
I progressively got passionate about during my academic formation: lettering. Specifically,
this chosen path of mine led me to the creation of a digital font designed to be used as a
identity tool of the city of Verona. My work places its roots in the city itself: its
architectural features in particular are designed on paper first and subsequently on the
computer. These are then edited through specific softwares and conveyed in a digitally
coded font, thus becoming an integral part of Verona's corporate image.
My analysis encompasses the beginning of visual language in order to better
comprehend the twists and turns which are at the base of its development and variations. I
then went on and researched the history of Verona's architecture, to finally conclude
identifying the common grounds between two otherwise alien worlds such as lettering and

Immagini: Gragnato G., Verona - Storia, strade, piazze, palazzi, chiese e monumenti, Damolgraf, Verona, 2009

Verona | City Branding

Verona | City Branding

In laying out the project of my final essay, I decided to take up the investigation of a theme I progressively got passionate about during my aca 자세히 보기
