Surreal  Landscape
Software Skills:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

 In this project i've decided to select 5 elements that are constantly being connected with government and/or corporate corruption in my country - Portugal.
The challenge was to combine these elements with other random ideas in a surreal island. I aimed to reflect the Chaos-like feeling that the Portuguese people have been through in the last few years.
Main objects/subject: Submarines, Airports, TGV, Highways and Agriculture.

Neste projecto decidi seleccionar 5 elementos que estão constantemente ligados ao governo e / ou corrupção corporativa no meu país - Portugal.
O desafio foi combinar esses elementos com outras ideias aleatórias numa ilha surreal.
Pretendi reflectir o sentimento de caos que os Portugueses têm vindo a sentir nestes últimos anos.
Principais objectos / Assunto: Submarinos, Aeroportos, TGV, Auto-estradas e Agricultura.

Used Images 

// Wallpaper  Pack available here  for download

Chaos Island