Son Richato 的个人资料


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The combination between Metal Sonic, Sonic's fearsome rival, and Frieza's Golden transformation, a state achieved soley for the murder of Son Goku. This crossover of Dragon Ball Z and the Sonic the Hedgehog series depicts a what if visual of Metal Sonic attaining his own type of Golden form similar to Frieza's. Of course I forgot the ears and his shoulder plates, but at least it is relatively correct and intact.
Chaos, the God Gaurdian of the Chao, and Perfect Cell, Dragon Ball's ultimate fighting machine. For this mashup, instead of making the form even greater than Chaos' already crazy balls huge Perfect form, I limited the form to a more condensed visual for the sake of sheer laziness. That and bigger doesn't always necessarily mean better. Now with the chaos emeralds and master emerald in it's possession, as well as Perfect Cell's abilities, speed, strength, stamina, etc., The monstrosity powers up to..."Super Perfect Chaos".
When Sonic the Hedgehog's Dark Gaia, the Incarnation of Darkness, merges with Hirudegarn, Dragon Ball Z's Phantom of the Mist and Shadow, The Phantom of Darkness,Dark Hirudegaia appears.
When Sonic the Hedgehog's Dark Gaia, the Incarnation of Darkness, merges with Hirudegarn, Dragon Ball Z's Phantom of the Mist and Shadow, The Phantom of Darkness, Perfect Dark Hirudegaia appears.
Majin Buu, pure rage incarnate, and Mephiles the Dark, the malevolent conscienceness of the sun god Iblis. Both of these destructive entities merged form the best of both villains, Kid Buu's raw power and regenerative abilitiy with Mephiles' cold calculative mind. I decided to use Kid Buu instead of the other incarnations because: 1. combining Mephiles with Fat Buu to me seems like how Buu was in the beginning of the Buu Saga/Arc in Dragon Ball Z. 2. Super Buu is basically this concept (Buu put together with Mephiles) since Super Buu uses startegy along with his strength when battling his enemies (Which could also be a reason not to make this drawing, but I do what I want fool! That, and the next point kinda debunks this.) 3. Kid Buu to allows me to properly incorporate Mephiles with Buu since Kid Buu gives little to no thought when it comes to his actions, providing Mephiles the perfect room to make this combination happen. So, this is basically a shorter vesion of Super Buu in terms of personality; Regardless, this piece will remain unique to me and was fun to make-kinda. Anywho, half of the image is covered to avoid spoiling the next upcoming mashup between Dragon Ball and Sonic the Hedgehog. So for now, crumble before Mephiles Buu the Dark!
Zavok, the leader of the Deadly Six, and Janemba, the amalgamation of a millennia worth of pure evil from the darkest of souls. While I could have put Janemba together with Infinite, the newest villain of the Sonic universe (since both have matter manipulating powers), I wanted to save him for another character that may or may not come up in the future. In addition to the topic of Sonic Forces, Zavok was a villain in the upcoming game that I have not made any art for, excluding Shadow since he is easily associated with Vegeta and there is already plenty of art online depicting this connection; However, there are none for the other character connections, which is a reason why I made these mash ups pictures in the first place. So with that aside, Zavok's strength, leadership skills, ability to control electronics with his mind and intelect along with Super Janemba's ability to manipulate his matter to teleport create Zanemvok - the final member of my own personal group of villains. P.S. - Janemba's regular giant yellow form can easily be associated with Zomom, the fat powerhouse of the Deadly Six.
The Tallest of Mountains, The Roughest of Waves, The Toughest of Terrors, The Darkest of Days, and The Demon of Rage.


