Since 2007, Michael Luna has served as CTO of Jawbone in San Francisco, bringing years of experience in the technology sector to the table. Jawbone is not Michael Luna's only passion, however. He is also fascinated by bees, and enjoys amateur beekeeping as well as the study of these unique insects.

While beekeeping is best known for its production of honey, many other products of a beehive also have uses for humans. Some products are used in the same form in which they present in the hive, while others are processed or added to other products to enhance their value. One of the most commonly-used byproducts of a beehive is beeswax, but other primary bee products include royal jelly, propolis, and bee venom.

Propolis, a mixture of beeswax and resin, possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties that make it valuable to humans. Royal jelly, normally used to feed bee larvae and induce some of them to grow large enough to become effective queens, is made of digested honey and is extremely nutrient-dense. In recent years, bee venom has also been explored as a potential harvest from hives, with uses ranging from anti-inflammatory therapy to arthritis treatment.
Bee Products Beyond Honey

Bee Products Beyond Honey
