be careful of this skin
for it is prickly, and it is rough
the roses that bloom may tempt you
until you take a look at the stuff
that makes up this being of mine
that's found a way to survive
despite knowing it's never tender
it's never enough

I am not dead, nor am I alive
I am the in-between that struggles to survive
I don't require much attention
care is not a constant desire
but a couple of drops can sometimes save
this missing soul, somewhere on fire

so how well can your eyes tell
between the scarlet of roses
and that of blood
without daring to find a way
to touch, and bleed, and hurt
yet somehow stay..
I'm tired of picking you up
of being so patient with your mistakes
of trying so hard to give you second chances

I'm tired of listening to your stories
of your constant cries and woes
of dragging you around with me everywhere I go

I'm tired of hiding you
of pretending as though you're not there
of losing people because of you

I'm tired of having you watch me
of losing sleep over your fears
or living in your nightmares each night

I'm sick of you always being there
I'm fed up of your insistent bullshit
I'm tired
I'm so tired
..of being you
so, this fire inside my ribs
squeezing every inch of my lungs
till they are nothing but remains
where else does it go?
these tears that drip like gasoline
and burn the insides of my flesh
engraving a pathway for their own
where else do they go?

these boney hands that I destroy
tremble as they hit the wall
yet slowly go numb as time goes on
where else do they go?

this anger that's been feeding the flame
for years and years and even more years
has no where to go, except back in,
back inside from where it first came
Poetry & Art

Poetry & Art
