Perfil de Taylor Sweeten

Photorealism - Fossil Watch

Photorealism - Fossil Watch

Whoa! What a project! I am so happy with how my vector Fossil watch turned out. It was a daunting task yet I am really happy with the final product. 

This project was surprisingly a very linear creative process for me. I started with the basic outline of the face and then worked from the inside out. I started with the main hour, minutes and seconds hands and then moved outward. The hardest part was creating the leather texture. I studied different pictures of leather in hopes to create something that looked very similar. I found that leather appeared to be many lines overlapping each other that were indented into the fabric. I created a small sample and made a pattern. It looked too harsh so I made another layer and used the blending modes to create a softer look. I am really happy with how it turned out.


This project taught me how to use gradients, gaussian blur and clipping mask to create a photorealistic graphic. I didn’t realize before how the colors, hues and shades of the shapes could be manipulated to mimic a light source. 
I also learned the importance of using the layers palette. I made it a goal to utilize layers throughout my project and it really helped me keep my sanity. There are so many little pieces and paths in this photorealistic graphic that it is hard to keep track of. Using layers really helped me to stay organized and keep every piece where I wanted it.

Photorealism - Fossil Watch

Photorealism - Fossil Watch


Sectores creativos