Profil von Yeji Yun

Film Magazine Cover 2016-2017

Spanking Nirvana

I saw the little pilgrimage people at 三千院 in Kyoto

What to do if I wake up feeling fragile?

Lemon and Oyster 

Wake Up! Breakfast is Ready

The Long and Winding Heart

Stripy Dog Walks

Yellow Runners

Pina Bausch

Agnès Varda — 'Cinema is my home. I think I've always lived in it.'

Ingmar Bergman —'Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.'

Jean Renoir — 'A director makes only one movie in his life. Then he breaks it up and makes it again.'

David Lynch — 'All the movies are about strange worlds that you can't go into unless you build them and film them. That's what's so important about film to me. I just like going into strange worlds.'

Federico Fellini — 'Talking about dreams is like talking about movies, since the cinema uses the language of dreams; years can pass in a second and you can hop from one place to another. It's a language made of image. And in the real cinema, every object and every light means something, as in a dream.'

Film Magazine Cover 2016-2017

Film Magazine Cover 2016-2017

