Bazil Raubach's profile

ANC most successful crime syndicate of the century

The definition of a crime syndicate is as follows:
“In order for a criminal organization to prosper, some degree of support is required from the society in which it lives. Thus, it is often necessary to corrupt some of its respected members, which is most commonly achieved through briberyblackmail, and the establishment of symbiotic relationships with legitimate businesses. People in the judiciarypolice forces, and legislature are especially targeted for control by organized crime via bribes, threats, or a combination.” 
“Organised crime is a significant and planned criminal activity, which involves several persons acting jointly, or at least with a common purpose, to commit a crime or a series of crimes, motivated by the prospect of direct or indirect material benefit.”
South Africa: S. G. Lebeya
“Organised crime is any serious crime which is systematically and persistently committed on a continuous basis or determinate period by a consciously concerted organised criminal group of two or more persons or a criminal enterprise, in pursuit of an undue financial or other material benefit.” (Lebeya, 2007: 17, 126)
ANC most successful crime syndicate of the century


ANC most successful crime syndicate of the century

most successful crime syndicate of the century
