Antonio Carralón's profile

Mil Coeditores (2017-2018)

Passing the work of an author to public domain after eighty years of his/her death does not mean that the rights "belong to no one", in fact, it means that now they belong to everyone. That means, according to the website of the collective Mil Coeditores, treating the work with respect and affection. And it also means that the obligation to disseminate them and ensure their projection corresponds to all of us.
When entering to public domain, the works can be represented, printed and edited, digitized and shared, without having to ask for permission from anyone and without generating accruals for the patrimonial rights. And that is the intention of Mil Coeditores, to celebrate that this happens.
Mil Coeditores is a collective that was born under the social media. We are illustrators, designers, photographers and artists that want to celebrate by putting our two cents in the dissemination of those contents, and doing it as we know best: interpreting them graphically.
In my case, I participated with a photograph that illustrates the romance of Thamar and Amnon of the Romancero Gitano Ilustrado by Federico García Lorca, a book that can be purchased at the following link, as well as a portrait of Max Estrella, the main character of Luces de Bohemia, by Ramón María del Valle-Inclán that is yet to be published.
Mil Coeditores (2017-2018)

Mil Coeditores (2017-2018)

illustrators, designers, photographers and artists that want to celebrate by putting our two cents in the dissemination of those contents, and do Read More
