Live to work, work to live. In our fast-paced society, everyone’s hustling for a better future. But at what expense? Sans Soul is a light-hearted dig at how much of ourselves we give up for a rat race lifestyle. Inspired by spirits from Asian myths and folktales, Sans Soul is an attempt at exploring the parallel between overworked citizens and the undead — both are beings who traverse through life as empty body cavities, their souls sucked away into oblivion. These illustrations were presented in the form of a fabric banner and a pattern swatch book.
Fabric banner
Textile paper print. 42 x 359 cm. Displayed at the main lobby of NTU's School of Art, Design and Media for DV2011 Pattern, Art and Architecture class of Aug 2017. 
Swatch book
15 pattern swatches based off my fabric banner. 
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Sans Soul

Sans Soul

A pattern illustration project exploring Asian mythology.
