NEHA JAIN's profile


In the era of technology and screens, the need to connect with nature is 
increasingly felt by mankind. The significance of 'handcrafted', a distinctive 
human touch is the need of the hour. Traditional techniques and indigenous 
materials can be creatively showcased in new ways, thereby adding a new 
vocabulary to craft. In today’s fast paced world, people especially the urban 
dwellers are in creasingly drawn to rural lifestyles. The rustic historic villages 
will be revitalised, serving as an inspiration for an earthy, natural and organic
aesthetic. The first hand contact with the earth is soil. Clay craft is the earliest
of man's creations and marks his coming of age. Being one of the primitive art
forms it has gained its elegance since the Vedic era.The installation reflects 
the beauty of nature and its relevance in the current scenario. Employing a 
sculptural technique, each piece of sculpted light fixture will seemingly 
be sliced open, unexpectedly revealing a cavity or its outgrowth filled with a 
textile element. The collection will expertly explore ‘the play between taking 
something that the earth does so beautifully and adding a human element to it’.
Each piece is carefully handmade with an artistic approach. To craft each 
creation, the piece is thrown on the potter's wheel. Once the foundation of the 
piece is formed, the second step involves sculpting and forming a cavity, 
these cavities will have textile or crochet/ thread work element which 
makes each piece one of its kind.
crevices unexpectedly revealling textile element. 
Light and shadow effect  through crevices. 



SCULPTED BY NATURE- In the era of technology and screens, the need to connect with nature is increasingly felt by mankind. The significance of ' Read More



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