Henkilön lora lora profiili

independent worker

Advantages  of independent work

When I say that I am an ​​​​​​​ Contingent Employment  independent professional and that I work from home, many people tell me "what envy!" Or "what luck!" ... to which I respond "Of course, but it's not all pink".


1. Failing to meet a schedule. I do not have to be at 8.30 am in a fixed place, rain or shine, I can leave at any time if I have to make an errand or play with my son (Guille, who is 2 and a half years old) when I feel like it. The truth is that in the early years of my son this was very important, because I could be with him and enjoy it very much. Nor do I have to ask for permission to take a nap if I am very sleepy (which was a blessing during pregnancy!). The night owls are happy, the mornings too. Time flexibility is a very positive point of autonomous work.

2. The comfort of home. Being in my armchair, pajamas and slippers, if I feel like it, with a cup of hot tea, especially on winter days, is priceless. I have a picture somewhere where I'm sitting in the armchair, with the computer in my lap, and Fernanda lying on the beanbag, with her legs up and some leaves in her hand. We were correcting a difficult translation. We worked a lot that afternoon, but really the picture said the opposite!

3. Not having a cap. In economic terms, not having a fixed salary means that on a good run you can earn much more than you expected.

4. Holidays. Being able to take vacations when I want, two days, a week, a month is really a pleasure. I can also work from my place of vacation (although it is not ideal, just as it is not bad to be working under a tree while preparing a barbecue), or while I'm traveling (you have to take advantage of the dead hours at the airport!).

5. Do not endure bad moods of bosses or colleagues (although my experience in that area was always good, I know that there are jobs that become unbearable for those reasons).
independent worker

independent worker
