"El tiempo, como el fuego, purifica cuanto toca; el tiempo es un crisol; en él, se funden nuestras pasiones; nuevos estados del alma; nuevas maneras de sensibilidad surgen en nosotros; agotadas las viejas fuentes de la Emoción; o transformadas en otras; cambian nuestros sentires; y, nuestros decires con ellos; penoso trabajo de reconstrucción, es este de ensayar poner en pie un estado de alma pretérito y de muchos años ya difunto; tanto valdría tratar de reconstruir un pedazo de cielo, con sus nubes ya desaparecidas y, las estrellas extintas;" - José María Vargas Vila - Los parias
This drawing saw its first stage at the beginning of the year, but I could only finish its digital coloring up until now. It was part of a cathartic process of something long gone, thankfully; but that I will always remember as something that, even though made me suffer, gave me such beautiful, wholesome inspiration to do a series of illustrations (some of which I have already published in here) that I'll always cherish as some of my favorites. As Herman Hesse puts it: 

"I began to understand that suffering and disappointments and melancholy are there not to vex us or cheapen us or deprive us of our dignity but to mature and transfigure us."
Irezumi - 2017


Irezumi - 2017

Irezumi inspired illustration. Cathartic Fox and Snake process.
