We watched them how walk next to us, a cloud of black dots floated around them, a sure sign that they came back from planet Earth.
"People who live on Earth have in themselves the need to occasionally dream, go to the World of Fantasy," said the wizard Čiri Bum "is good for people, to imagination and fantasize, as long as they are within the limits of normal length of time and while realistically watching the situation in which they live."
As the two beings went past us, swinging to the left - right like two cardboard dolls, dragging cloudlets of black dots behind like a swarm of mosquitoes, the old wizard continues to make his thoughts:
"People who, because of their rough physical (and mind) weaving, almost always without the consequences surviving in the World of Fantasy, for creatures from the World of Fantasy, every departure on planet Earth ends very badly. Do not ever think of it, my boy, to go to Earth. The weaving of our bodies and minds is fine, softer than the sponge, you would return here filled with ideologies that people consider important, in you would live a value system that people appreciate more than life itself."
I affirmative nodded my head and watched the two characters move away slowly, they looked like some marionettes who needed urgent repairs, and they are not aware of it.
Back in the World of Fantasy

Back in the World of Fantasy

collage, A3
