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The Secret Life of Germs, Print Spread

This is a student project in which I was tasked with making two 17x11 in. spreads for print to be imagined within a magazine. I had to design my own concept around body copy that was given to me. However, I was allowed to break up, reorganize and present the text however I wanted. The design had to appeal to a specific audience, I chose to target middle and working class adults.

The first image is the cover. I was inspired by a book and the original design was going to be in black and white until I was advised to choose a, color scheme. Green is first color to come to mind when I think of "germs" and yellow is the perfect analogous color to go along with it. Everything in this project was edited in Illustrator except for the grainy background images and gradients and the photography.
Usually the image of money falling from the sky elicits feelings of joy and wonder or even fantasies of wealth and success, something positive most of the time. I wanted to reuse that image in a different context, to emphasize how much of our money is laced with a variety of germs and possibly minute traces of cocaine.
This is the final page of the spread. I wanted to close out the piece with a story that most adults can relate to in some way or another. Although the text is a little grungy-looking, I didn't intend to overpower the spread's tone with feelings of fear or danger.
This is how it looks designed as a spread. Notice how covers are on "opposite" sides of the spread. Imagine each "page" folded in half vertically. The right side will become the cover and the left side will be on the back, as the back cover.
Creative Director: Kay Wilder
The Secret Life of Germs, Print Spread

The Secret Life of Germs, Print Spread
