Kemar Swaby's profileLeian Ivey's profile

RIDE AND WHISTLE-creative blogs

Created the brand logo and aesthetic of the website.
Business Cards for the company
Business Card

This was the first initial look of the website, wanted a bit of hand done creative look and feel.
First draft of the website layout
This is how the site had look when combined with my artwork.
This was the first backdrop artwork, created for the website when for a more ebony love, type of feel.
Detail Shot of BlackBeauty
This was the Backdrop created for the website.
Detail shot PASSION
This was the third artwork created for the website. ENVY
Detail shot of ENVY.
As time progressed this how the site had eventually looked over a period of time.
RIDE AND WHISTLE-creative blogs

RIDE AND WHISTLE-creative blogs

Branding and creative direction for
