Perfil de Lulian Ahn

pH Mood Indicator

Fall 2017
Type 1
Professor: Emily Rye​​​​​​​
pH Mood Indicator (Wild Typography)
This wild typography field guide assignment was done over the course of a month. It is a collection of letters we found beyond the borders of our school to collect a variety of typographic styles. After collecting typographic specimens, we had to create a series of card showcasing our found alphabet. Each of our 26 cards will feature the letter with the date, time, location, weather and additional field notes that were relevant to the letter’s spotting.

My design was based off of pH Test Strips. The color on the cards are my mood from scale 1 - 14 of how I felt on the day the letters on the cards were found. The first color block shows the letter found, the next showing the location and the last indicating the weather. The color on these pH cards is my mood classified from scale 1 - 14 on the day each letter on the card was found. 
pH Mood Indicator

pH Mood Indicator

Wild Typography Assignment with Emily Rye (Type 1) for Fall 2017.


Sectores creativos