Sebastian Besendorf's profile

Lufthansa Bedtime Stories

Lufthansa Bedtime Stories
How can parents tell their kids a bedtime story even though they have to catch a plane?
The Lufthansa Bedtime Stories allow traveling mothers and fathers to participate in the evening 
ritual and help their children fall asleep with a personal bedtime story from far away.
Traveling and being at home at the same time: #LufthansaStories – at Munich Airport, 
Frankfurt Airport and on
Stories are an important part of childhood. 
Not only do children learn language or lessons about how the world works, but storytelling 
also forms a strong bond between parents and their kids. Reading rituals are important, 
but working parents who travel a lot have to miss out sometimes. 
What if they could tell bedtime stories even though they have to catch a plane?
This work was created during my internship at Kolle Rebbe. The entire project included the 
installation at Frankfurt Airport and Munich Airport, a print campaign as well as a micro-site.
I was mainly responsible for creating the mock-up of the installation 
as well as the carpet and the clouds on the microsite.
The rights of this work are held by Kolle Rebbe. 
Lufthansa Bedtime Stories

Lufthansa Bedtime Stories

Lufthansa Bedtime Stories, a new marketing campaign, lets parents help their children fall asleep with a bedtime story just before they fly off, Read More
