I chose the topic of "optical illusions" because I thought it was a really interesting idea to be able to trick the viewer's eye. The photos always make you think, and make you interested in them. I looked through the topics, and thought that optical illusions seemed interesting. So then, I started searching for ideas on the internet. I based my pictures on ideas surrounding the ones that I found. 

In the first photo, I like the position the man is in because it looks like he's actually scared of being stepped on. I don't like location of the photo, so next time I would pick a simpler background. It was hard to get the people in the right positions to look like she was actually stepping on him, so I had to adjust her leg to get the right photo. 

The next photo, I like how she's staring off into the distance as it looks like she's standing on a bottle. The bottle isn't in total focus, so I would use a deep depth of field to get all of the picture in focus. It was hard to get her right on top of the bottle, so I adjusted the bottle and had her move farther back. 

In the next photo I like that it's black and white, and that it looks like she's standing upright on the floor. I don't like how you can't see all of her legs, so I would get her whole body next time. It was hard to get the picture at the right angle, so I had to lay on the floor sideways. 

In the fourth photo, I like how it looks like she is actually struggling to hold the pencil. I don't like how the subjects aren't in focus, so I would switch to manual focus instead. It was hard to get them both in focus, and to get her in the right position, so I had to move closer and adjust the aperture. 

In the last photo I like the position that the girl is in because it looks like she likes being held. I don't like that she isn't in complete focus, so I would adjust the aperture and use a deep depth of field. It was hard to get the man's hand in the right position so that it looked like he was holding the girl, so I had him turn around so his hand was facing the other direction. 

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions


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