Thomas de Gilder's profile

Concept "Goed Uit Elkaar"

Concept - Goed uit Elkaar
During my study, I choose to do the specialisation Concept and Creation. The goal of this course was to create a concept for a company free of choice. I
decided to create a concept for the municipality of Gouda. Below you will find the summary of the concept. Upfront I used different types of research methods to find out what the fitting strategy and message should be to reach the target group. Afterwards I created corresponding elaborations that would strengthen the concept. This fictional concept was created for a school project and wasn't used for real.

Concept “Goed Uit Elkaar”
The environment, milieu and wellbeing of the earth is a hot topic. Everybody is involved in one way or another. This can be you as an individual trying to make this world a better place or the government making new rules concerning this topic. Separating waste plays a role in this subject. Most people separate waste in some way but this has to be more. That is why the Dutch government has set new goals. Every municipality has to reach a certain goal and they all try to reach them on their own way.

The concept “Goed Uit Elkaar” is a concept to inform the target group about separating waste. More and more municipality’s want to separate waste. With this concept, they are able to inform the residents.

The concept is communicating that it is time to separate waste. In Dutch we say “afval scheiden”, which can be translated as the waste is going to divorce. We want to do this as good as possible that is why the concept is called “Goed Uit Elkaar”. By using different elaborations, the concept is reaching as much people within the target group as possible.

Concept "Goed Uit Elkaar"

Concept "Goed Uit Elkaar"


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