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Kuching City: Night view

Cars at night.
Jejantas Satok. 8.15 p.m.
ISO200, Shutter speed: 2s
The Square Tower, 1879. Built as a fort on the Sarawak river, Kuching Sarawak.
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/50
ISO Speed: ISO 3200
Focal length: 34 mm
At Jambatan Darul Hana & Dewan Undangan Negeri as a background.
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/40
ISO Speed: ISO-3200
Focal length: 23mm
Fort Margherita is an old fort constructed in 1879 by Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak situated in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/20
ISO speed: ISO-3200
Focal length: 36 mm
A view of Jambatan Darul Hana.
Sarawak river, Kuching.
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/30
ISO Speed: ISO-6400
Focal length: 18mm
The White Barouk Restaurant, Sarawak river.
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/80
ISO Speed: ISO-800
Focal length: 18 mm
Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak.
F-stop: f/5.6
Exposure time: 1/25
ISO Speed: ISO-800
Focal length: 47mm

Culture Club Kuching.
One of the club in Kuching city.
F-stop: f/5
ISO Speed: ISO-3200
Focal length: 25mm
Color Light Fountain
Sarawak River Waterfront
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/50 sec.
ISO Speed: ISO-3200
Focal length: 23mm
A group of my friends.
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/50 sec
ISO Speed: ISO-1600
Focal length: 29mm

Aiskrim Gula Apong
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/50 sec.
ISO Speed: ISO-800
Focal length: 27mm
The worker put the ice-cream in the cup.
F-stop: f/5
Exposure time: 1/50 sec.
ISO Speed: ISO-800
Focal length: 40mm
Aiskrim Gula Apong
F-stop: f/4.5
Exposure time: 1/50 sec.
ISO Speed: ISO-3200
Focal length: 36mm
Samarahan Night Run 2017
F-stop: f/2.2
Exposure time: 1/17 sec.
ISO Speed: ISO-400
Focal length: 4mm
New Year Eve 2016 Celebration.
NK Grills.
F-stop: f/2.2
Exposure time: 1/17 sec.
ISO Speed: ISO-640
Focal length: 4mm

Kuching City: Night view

Kuching City: Night view


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