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PSA: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

The Real Warriors Campaign promotes help-seeking behavior among service members and veterans with invisible wounds and encourages service members to increase their awareness and use of these resources. The campaign features stories of real service members who have sought treatment and are continuing to maintain successful military or civilian careers. In addition, DCoE established the DCoE Outreach Center, a 24/7 call center staffed by health resource consultants to provide confidential answers, tools, tips and resources about psychological health and traumatic brain injury.

One in eight veterans returning from a combat zone suffer from PTSD. It is a highly misunderstood and misrepresented disorder. This campaign strives to shed a better light on the disorder and to promote awareness. It also works toward educating people on what the disorder actually is in order to remove and fear or stereotypes that they might have toward it.

Post traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder. It is often portrayed as a dangerous disorder that often will label those who have it as “crazy.” This is not at all true and only under special and extreme circumstances does the disorder put anyone at risk. The media portrays these types of patients as if everyone who has PTSD acts in this way. Television, news and movies have taught the public to fear those who suffer from PTSD. It has ostracized such veterans and has made daily life even more difficult for them.

The past advertisement has worked well, but the target audience leans more toward veterans and active duty troops rather than the public. It primarily focuses on recognizing if you have post traumatic stress disorder and getting help for it. It also promotes the idea that just because you have PTSD, does not make you weak or a bad person.
Information Booklet (1)
As the duration and frequency of military deployments increase, service members and their families are increasingly faced with the challenges associated with deployment and combat. The information booklet was created for patients and their family members to educate them on what PTSD is and how it is treated.
PSA: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PSA: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

A public service announcement campaign to increase awareness and support for veterans returning from war who suffer from post traumatic stress di Read More
