Changing Reality
BA Degree - 2017

The change is an integral part of our being. Our environment is constantly changing, together with our personality and opinions. Alongside the individuum, the character of society is regularly transforming.
My photo installation, titled “ Changing Reality”, reflects the problem of the overpopulation, and pulls parallels between individuals and crowds. The central element of the installation is a large-scale photograph, 2000 mm long and 1500 mm high, on which a crowded mass is captured. Here I showcased the concept of the overpopulation.
One of the greatest social problems of our time is finding and discovering ourselves. The lack of self-confidence is a general problem, having the consequence of people trying to compare to someone else, and they are not satisfied with themselves when they look in the mirror. In this sense, the personality will vanish, only a pastiche will remain in the place of the “individuum”.
In the installation the small holes symbolize the lack of individuality, every person (shape) becomes faceless, in this way they are unrecognizable, but also they are identical with each other. The giant picture is illuminated by a lamp, which reflects the small holes to the walls.This wall is the reality, so many unfulfilled emptiness, many small problems. The observer (viewer) , standing between the lamp and the giant photo, adds his own shadow to the shadow of the hollow image, in such a way modifying, changing it. From here comes the title of work: “ Changing Reality “. 
The installation does not want to tell anyone what to do or how to handle the actual problem. Instead, encourages the observer, that he is also capable to do/ bring forth changes.

Consultant: Miklós Onucsán
Changing Reality

Changing Reality

