Profil Lich's Portfolio

Coca-Cola / Taste the feeling

Coca-Cola / Taste the Feeling. 

Campaign made to launch the new global concept 'Taste the feeling' in countries where the brand image was not so developed. The intention behind the campaign was to focus on the product benefits of Coca-Cola, going back to the most basic and intrinsic characteristics of the iconic drink. "Heat" and "What's a Coke for" are two of many spots made to reach this goal. 

"Heat" presents the idea that Coca-Cola is both a drink for your body and soul, it can make you feel better and quench your thirst.
"There's the heat you feel on the outside, and the heat you feel within"
"What's a Coke for" shows the great imaginary built around the brand: peace, friendship, global recognition, love, etc., and confronts it with the fact that at the end of the day, Coca-Cola was made to drink and enjoy it's taste. 
Coca-Cola / Taste the feeling

Coca-Cola / Taste the feeling
