The following project was a brief to make a model to display our Visual Merchandising Techniques. The theme received was that of a store for womans wear. The specific taken ultimately was that of a wedding themed display to show elegance, femininity, subtle innocence and purity. The process involved making of a mood board and then using several 3D elements to finally create a display. 
The first step was that of making a mood board. The mood board contains of the dominant colours focused on, that are pink, red and white. Several feminine elements such as the flowers, jewelry and lights pertain to our theme. The left composition made out of leaf cut outs to create flowers was our first main thought. It would go on to create the main composition and focus of the display. The curves in the composition also display characteristics of femininity.
The display was meant to pull all focus on the mannequin in the middle. The dress is flowy in nature to show the femininity and elegance of it all. The lights behind the mannequin create a much needed focus. It lights up the VM and hold the possibility of mesmerizing the viewer.   
It is noticed and that their are several pearls hanging from the ceiling. This creates a heavenly look and portrays a very flowy, light and feminine look. Pearls are often related to women, and hence bring about the element of elegance required in the VM. Finally it is seen that the huge composition from the mood board, is made onto the background, but in a different way. The placement of the roses is still curvy and intends on making it as feminine as possible. The material used to make the roses is also feather like tissue loaded with glitter, adding onto the display.