Week 17: Perlin Noise + ShapePlane
After finishing the ShapeScape update last week, I took a look at my planning list and decided I should work on some of my ShapePlane ideas. I have been planning on adding Perlin Noise features to ShapePlane ever since I began experimenting with it a few months ago, and I've finished adding it, initially only for colors. As I have explained before, Perlin Noise is a specific type of noise (think tv static) that places similar values, or colors, closer together while maintaining randomness. The image above combines subdivision with Perlin Noise. You can see the difference between it and previous images that I have posted showing off ShapePlane since colors are less evenly distributed and tend to group up. I still have a few more new features to add before I build the update, but this one is complete and I'm so proud of how it turned out!
Week 17

Week 17
