"The photo project 'Underneath' shows us something we usually don’t see or notice. The work is depicting things that have long been forgotten, and which have often been left underneath the shelf for months.
'Underneath' will have the viewer to question of consumerism by itself, and the supermarkets we are trading in. Is it hygienic and consumer friendly? 'Underneath' is not about pointing fingers of the consumer, or to designate specific supermarkets as unsanitary. It is simply a contemporary photographic production of the consumer society.
The photographs were taken in Great Britain, in large and well-known supermarkets and shops.
Titled 'Underneath' refers to where things were found, where the camera is directed and how we as a society always choose to look upwards - and not pay attention to what is directly in front of our feet. "

- Tania Gibson

2014 - Din Nye Ven, Copenhagen, Denmark
2012 - Copenhagen Photo Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark
2012 - Gere Wine Festival, Torun, Poland
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"The photo project 'Underneath' shows us something we usually don’t see or notice. The work is depicting things that have long been forgotten, an Read More


Creative Fields