I've contracted a lot of time to UNATION, a local tampa start-up. This is a social media company that has built their entire platform with brands and businesses in mind. Well, one day while I was working Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks) said this...
I'm not kidding when I say this, I couldn't get out of my chair fast enough. I literally kidnapped 4 very talented UNATION team members, and locked them in my apartment. I told you I wasn't kidding...
 It took us 8 hours just to figure out the first thing we would say to Mark Cuban, and once that was decided, our video guy (Chris Musacchia) started bringing it to life...
While he was busy creating that, the rest of us got to work on building a website, and launching a massive social media campaign...
It took us thirty-one straight hours, but we launched this marketing campaign...
Check it our for yourself - Dear Mark Cuban
Dear Mark Cuban
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