Profilo di Anas kamal

الجبل الأبيض - The White Mountain
In a remote location in Upper Egypt and under a cloud of white lime, dozens work in white brick quarries to extract white bricks from the mountain,most of the workers are young men who have not completed their education. The work begins after the sunrise to sunset in dangerous conditions caused by the dangerous machinery that led some workers to the total deficit, either dust stones cause them serious respiratory diseases,all for a small amount not exceed $ 2 per day .
mohammed , young boy Works from the first light of the sun, brings water,
 tea and equipment to the workers. Mohammed did not complete the elementary school and went to work in the mountain to help his family with some money.
Mostafa , an old man 46 years , He has been working in the mountain for more than 20 years, Specializes in repairing faults that occur in the machine
Ahmed , young man 18 years old ,Responsible for the dimensions of the brick molds using the lever to move the path of the machine to the required size.
"El hashasha", the machine which extract the final result of the stones as a free blocks that ready to use. this machine is very dangerous ,sharp,
 and has no safe handling and some workers are injured by cutting the hand or foot
mohammed , young boy Works from the first light of the sun, brings water,
 tea and equipment to the workers. Mohammed did not complete the elementary school and went to work in the mountain to help his family with some money.
Workers transporting brick blocks cut off from the machine's track In preparation for the next round.
After workers gather in the morning , The workers drink a cup of tea to warm themselves up in this cold atmosphere
الجبل الأبيض - The White Mountain


الجبل الأبيض - The White Mountain

جانب من حياة عمال المحاجر بمحافظه المنيا - مصر Part of the life of quarry workers in Minya Governorate - Egypt
