Reach Out & Read is a non-profit organization that advocates for childhood literacy. The organization seeks to give parents the tools to read regularly to their children. 

The objective in this project is to develop and design interactive assets (responsive website, mobile app, and banner ads) for a non-profit organization. 
Design Inspiration 
Website Design
In order to engage the core demographic of Reach Out & Read, updating of the existing site UX and UI design was appropriate. By including fun and age appropriate elements within the design, users are more likely to find information faster and return to the site.
Final Design 
Mobile App
The purpose and goal of the Reach Out & Read mobile app is to allow families to collect and keep track of the books that have read to their child. The app allows individuals to search for age appropriate books, upload books into a digital library, and create book lists. The creation of the app is a feature that would allow families to connect with the organization on a deeper level. 
Final App 
Digital Campaign
Through the creation of banner ads, Reach Out & Read would be able to reach a larger and more targeted audience that would help increase traffic onto its site. 
300 x 600
250 x 250

Reach Out & Read
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Reach Out & Read

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