Week van de Amateurkunsten

Week van de Amateurkunsten (Week of the Amateur Arts) is a yearly event held throughout Belgium. This years theme was Kunst buiten (Art outside) and was all about coming out with your work. 
We wanted to represent that theme in the posters and social media campaign, as such we created multiple posters in two separate layers. The bottom layer is the actual poster displaying the information, while the top layer is changing in all posters. Making the information partly visible or obscured, the viewer will see small sections of information on every poster. A poster with just a date would be interesting to see, it would make you wonder what exactly the poster is about. 
In other mediums we looked for different solutions to visualise the theme. For social media posts that is the top layer that gets brushed away. In print work it’s done by hiding certain information with a scratching layer, the viewer has to make the information appear by scratching away the foil.
Project in collaboration with Bibi Kelder and Tijn Bakker.
Week van de Amateurkunsten

Week van de Amateurkunsten

Week van de Amateurkunsten (Week of the Amateur Arts) is a yearly event held throughout Belgium. This years theme was Kunst buiten (Art outside) Læs mere


Kreative områder