Ece Karaca 님의 프로필

¿Que Pasa, Ohio State? Magazine Design

I am the art director of ¿Qué Pasa, OSU? magazine. I work with a great editorial team who gathers content about the Latinx community at the Ohio State University. I designed the entire magazine layout, gathered icons, and visual style for this years (Autumn 2017) issue. Also designed the infographics, and put together images collages.
You can check out magazines' Autumn 2017 issue from here.
About the Magazine
"Published semiannually, this magazine showcases the important work happening in the Latino community at Ohio State University in the form of research essays, event reports, creative works of poetry and fiction, recognition of the professional achievements of alumni, faculty and student profiles, and food reviews. Each regular issue of ¿Qué Pasa, OSU? takes as its mission to answer the question posed in the magazine’s title.  

Established in 1994 as a joint effort between the University-wide Council of Hispanic Organizations (UCHO) and the Hispanic Oversight Committee (HOC) at The Ohio State University, ¿Qué Pasa, OSU? helps fulfill the Hispanic Action Plan’s goal to expand significantly the information and opportunities for dialogue among all students and faculty regarding Hispanic issues across the disciplines. 
Cover Design.City of God illustration by Paul Shipper. 
Infographics about the Latinx enrollments at the Ohio State University. Designed by me on Tableau.
Back Cover
¿Que Pasa, Ohio State? Magazine Design

¿Que Pasa, Ohio State? Magazine Design
