Profil von Peter Stnsz

MovieLens Wireframes and Interaction Prototype

MovieLens Wireframes and Interaction Prototype

MovieLens is a great tool for discovering new (and old!) movies. It helps you get personalised recommendations thank to powerful and sophisticated algorithms, that constantly learn about your taste, likes and dislikes.

It's a fantastic companion for anyone who have a difficulties finding worth watching movies, I have however found that the website can be improved by streamlining the interaction and content, also cutting down on steps to get more details about the movie can drastically improve the user experience.

In this concept I was looking for the ways to cut down on unnecessary clutter (for instance rating can be shown while you hover over the thumbnail), emphasise sections: Recent Releases and New Additions - let user distinguish new from current movies, posters are bigger helps user familiarise itself with fresh content. Overall, with minimal design I am aiming at accelerating the interaction and browsing, while emphasising on content - less distractions and clutter.

MovieLens Wireframes and Interaction Prototype

MovieLens Wireframes and Interaction Prototype

MovieLens Wireframes and Interaction Prototype
