Nurman Zakaria's profile

Daily UI #006 - user Profile

Daily UI #006 - User Profile. Woohoo! Weekend is gone! Anyhow, this is the user profile all I can think of. I'm trying not to make user profile of social media because it's too mainstream. So I kept thinking of a new idea to make user profile. and Boom! it hit me like a punch. Why not boxing? The greatest sport that occured in this world. Even though I'm not fans of boxing, but I think boxing is a wonderful game.

"In boxing, you create a strategy to beat each new opponent, it's just like chess" - Lennox Lewis
Daily UI #006 - user Profile

Daily UI #006 - user Profile

The purpose of this project, it's only for the DailyUI Challenge from Therefore, I don't work with the brand and the brand have full Read More



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