Evangeline Ng's profile

A Project for Self-Healing

The brand "Elic" understands that everyone goes through suffering and requires healing. 
Elic carries Japanese tea-drinking values of being one with nature.

Elic provide users with five items that would help the process of self-healing, and they are:
Muga, Wa, Sei, Kei, and Jaku, (Self forgetting, Harmony, Purity, Respect and Tranquility). 
Self-healing with Elic is a five-step process to be enjoyed both alone and with close friends and family. 

Elic is designed based on Sen No Rikyu’s philosophy, he redesigned the tea drinking experience he emphasizes several key aspects of the ceremony, including rustic simplicity, directness of approach and honesty of self. This directed Elic’s visuals to be rustic and simple, it seemed relevant to use wood as the main medium of design, a natural and comfortable material, that conveys the values of his philosophy. 

This project is designed for Art, Design and Media, Visual Communications III Module.

MUGA, means "Self-Forgetting": A Card Game for four.
SEI, means "Purity": A Tea Drinking Experience, comes with a wooden teabox, gold-foiled packaging and description leaflet.
KEI, means "Respect": A Catalog explaining the items included and concept of Elic
WA, means "Harmony": An Advanced Book on Art Therapy to Increase Emotional Intelligence for Users.
JAKU, means "Tranquility": A Ticket Stub to 'Jaku Tranquility Art Therapy Yoga' Event.
Thank you for reading,​​​​​​​
Do leave me any comments and feedback for improvement! :)
A Project for Self-Healing

A Project for Self-Healing
