Sebastian Galarce Cáceress profil

Scotiabank static e-mailing

Static E-mailings

Company: Publicis Chile
Client: Scotiabank
-Digital Designer.
-Being part of the digital design team. In charge of designing and developing static email marketing pieces using HTML/CSS. Loading and programming emails into MasterBase. Testing and ensuring high-quality responsiveness on mobile devices.

-Learning and absorbing new technologies and processes quickly.
-Designing, updating, and testing great numbers of pieces per day to meet deadlines.
-Collaborating with a variety of departments within the company to produce effective pieces that turn clicks into sales.

"Increase in sales by 60%"
-Leading Bank Institution in the country thanks to digital marketing campaigns.
-Highly trusted company thanks to secure and attractive digital marketing campaigns.
-Meeting deadlines within timeframes and budget.

Softwares, tools, and technologies: HTML, CSS, Sublime text 2, Brackets, MasterBase, Photoshop.
Scotiabank static e-mailing

Scotiabank static e-mailing

Design and development of Scotiabank static e-mailing.
